Oh man, weve brought Ryan and his dick o death back to Active Duty, and Im not sure Grant was prepared for what was in store for him. And thats just the way we like it! Ha! Kadens directing this scene, and he greets the guys on the bed, who are already all smiles. Ryan says hes been floating around here and there, but now hes back. And I know Im happy about that. And Im also happy to see the king sized tank in his pants, too. Grant says, they say hes got a bazooka, referring to Ryans dick. He does! Kaden says, he is packin. Hes got a horse dick, Kaden says -- and Grant nervously laughs at that description. Kaden relates a funny story about when I met him, and I asked him if he was hung like a horse or a horse fly. And let me tell you what -- Ryan is hung like a horse thats been fed growth hormones. Grant glances down at Ryans jeans and says that he can already see that hes packing heat, so there aint nothin to it but to do it. Kaden likes that go-getem attitude, as do I, so Kaden cuts