I knew Casey from college and called him up when I was moving into town and he let me crash with him while I looked for a place, which I was grateful for. What Iwasnt grateful for was that he literally never wore anything besides his underwear. Not that itwasnt a great view, I mean, he was gorgeous, nice legs, tight ass, amazing abs. Watchinghim strut around in practically nothing was certainly not unpleasing... And that was sort of theproblem. I was a guest so I was trying to be polite and respectful but I was constantly catchingmyself staring at him. I never got used to it, and Im sure he noticed, because hed catch myeyes, or smile at me wryly. I think he liked the attention, but it made things awkward... At leastfor me... He was obviously completely at ease. So wed go about that way everyday, me tryingnot to stare and him being a total tease wearing essentially nothing, until one day a few daysbefore I was moving into my new place, I called him out on it. Dont pretend for a second thatyou dont like it. Ive seen how you check me out all the time. I tried to deny, but it wasnt much use, since I couldnt stop myself from checking him out even inthe middle of the conversa